And we will not tolerate it.
YAB members are elected by their peers to keep SWAT moving in the right direction. Meet the leaders of tomorrow and get to know a little more about them.
SWAT is made possible with the support of Tobacco Free Florida and the Florida Department of Health.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
This is my third year in SWAT and first year on YAB. I want to embark on this journey to learn about what I can do to create a tobacco free future for my community. This will be a long journey, as generations before me were trying to do the same thing, but I believe with the continuation from youth like me we can fast-forward the process and achieve the final goal together. Thanks to my advisor, Mr. Nelson, for encouraging me to begin this journey. Thanks to everyone who was at the regional meeting, for believing in me.
Region: 3
“Life without dreaming is a life without meaning.” – Jermaine Cole
This is my fourth year in SWAT. I joined this organization because I truly believed that it had an impact on the world and its social and physical environment. Being in SWAT has given me the opportunity to create a safer and healthier world for the people living in it. I am extremely excited to play an even bigger world in SWAT this year and make the world a better place!
Region: 4
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”– Oscar Wilde
I’m going into my third year of SWAT and this will be my first year on YAB. I have joined SWAT for several reasons, but one of the main reasons is because I want to make a change in the world, I want to create a tobacco free future. Once I learned about SWAT, I immediately started to get involved. I enjoyed it, and when I realized I could make the change I’ve always wanted to, I jumped into action. I can’t wait to do as much as I can for SWAT.
Region: 4
“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
I became a SWAT member this year and started my very own chapter, which has grown rapidly to 10 members and counting! I joined SWAT because of the first-hand experience of tobacco addiction I have witnessed amongst my peers, friends, and my own family. As the tobacco industry preys on my generation, I plan to use advocacy and public policy to make a difference in my community, state, and world!
Region: 4
Stay awake, stand firm in your faith, be brave, be strong. Everything should be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Hello all! My name is Alyssa Coppock, and I am a first-year member on the SWAT advisory board. I strongly believe in the importance of educating our generation about the dangers of tobacco use and equipping them with the tools to advocate for healthier communities. I look forward to collaborating with other board members and the dedicated students of SWAT to create meaningful change in combating tobacco use and promoting healthier lifestyles across communities.
Region: 4
“My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
This is my first year in SWAT. I joined SWAT to make a difference, after seeing my grandfather pass away from terminal stage four lung cancer, I knew I wanted to help this cause forever. I want to thank my lovely teacher Mr. Bono for helping me through this year and my coordinator Miss Cat for helping me grow and find my voice within this club.
Region: 3
“Real strength has to do with helping others.” – Fred Rogers
This year is my fourth year in SWAT and my second on YAB. I joined my school’s SWAT club when I saw a poster in the hallway in my freshman year. I immediately knew that this was the one for me, because I want to pursue a career in advocacy. I’m a part of my school’s Student Government Association and a section editor of the Yearbook. I live in Melbourne, Brevard County, but one day I’d love to live in Washington, D.C. When I’m not busy with school, I love listening to music, going to concerts, and discovering new kinds of food.
Region: 3
“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou
This is my first going on second year being a part of the extraordinary SWAT organization and first time on YAB. For me SWAT is a place where I can work to educate youth about the effects of tobacco while also educating myself by learning new things every day. SWAT was and will continue to be a safe space to interact and collaborate with likeminded peers in hopes of ending the dangerous epidemic of young tobacco users.
Region: 3
“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”– Paul Brandt
Hey, my name is Mykayla Swift! This is my 2nd year being a part of SWAT and my 1st year as a YAB member. I am a sophomore at Andrew Jackson High School. During my free time I enjoy reading, listening to music, hanging out with friends/family as well as watching movies. I would describe myself as empathetic, honest and creative! I joined SWAT to educate our youth and better our communities. I am so excited to be a part of YAB and can’t wait to see what this hear has in store!
Region: 2
“They whispered to her: ‘You can’t withstand the storm’, and she whispered back: ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown
Hi, I’m Mackenzie Donnelly. My pronouns are she/her and I’m 17 years old. I am in 12th grade and attend Q.I. Roberts Jr/Sr High School. I have been in SWAT for around six years. I enjoy reading/writing, and I am a very energetic person with an optimistic and upbeat personality.
Region: 2
“Smile my dear, you know you’re never fully dressed without one.” – Alastor
I am Jacob Kuzyk. I love archery, Dungeons & Dragons, and Minecraft. I am part of the Boy Scouts, and I like watching comedians.
Region: 2
“This thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford
Seeing the use of tobacco and nicotine products amongst my family and friends and the harm it caused, I joined SWAT to not only help them but also prevent future generations from the detrimental effects of these products. This is my second year in SWAT as well as my second year on YAB. I am going into my junior year at Yulee High School, and I intend to make SWAT more known in my area as well as spread the facts about the dangers of tobacco and nicotine products.
Region: 2
“Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn’t be done.” – Amelia Earhart
Hi! My name is Sadie A. Haas, I am a 9th grader in Bay County! This is my first year being on YAB; I’m very excited to work with everyone!
Region: 1
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” – Sun Tzu
I am a junior at James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison County. One big problem I wish to tackle is tobacco litter.
Region: 1
“Everyone wants a voice in human freedom. There’s a fire burning inside of all of us.” – Lech Walesa
This will be my third year in SWAT and my first year on YAB. During my first year in SWAT, I wasn’t very involved. In my second year, with a small nudge from my SWAT coordinator, Mrs. Lisa, I began helping SWAT in any way I could. Now I am part of YAB and can’t wait to continue to do my very best.
Region: 1
“It’s not about being happy all the time or being sure of all your choices. It’s about knowing that life is precious, even when it’s tough.” – Topher Kearby
Hello, my name is Cyluas Bausby and I’m from Holmes County. Also I go to the high school in Bonifay, that’s in Holmes County. I’m 18 and I’ll be in 12 grade this year. The reason why I joined SWAT was because it looked awesome and, I wanted to put my foot down for people who are smoking. I know it’s bad and I had too many family members die because of it. That’s why I joined SWAT. My dream for SWAT is to help as many people as we can so we can save our generation and the next that comes because I don’t want to see people dying because of smoking. That is why I joined YAB.
Region: 1
“If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou
My name is Ronyde Ponthieux and I’m currently a Junior in a Miami-Dade high school, region 4! I was first introduced to SWAT my freshman year of high school. At the time, I didn’t realize how close the Tobacco company grew to me. I had always known that these tobacco products were harmful, but through SWAT, I learned of the true effects. As the year went on, I noticed the number of teen tobacco users in my school skyrocket. This pushed me to want to learn more and share as much information as possible with my friends and family. By the end of my sophomore year, I knew I wanted to do more. I ran for YAB to use my voice to help break the tobacco wall on a much grander scale. I want to use my voice to help stop tobacco companies from finding loopholes to target our youth. I am currently the president of the SWAT chapter at my school, where we are, little by little, showing the tobacco companies that we won’t be their lab rats. We will have a tobacco free future!
Region: 4
“Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever.” – Ruth Handler
This is my fourth year in SWAT and the first on the YAB. I joined SWAT because I saw how smoking was polluting my school, my classmates, and even my own friends. By joining SWAT, I realized I could start in my own community to make the world tobacco free, one step at a time. I cannot wait to continue my journey in SWAT and spread awareness about smoking and tobacco use to a bigger audience.
Region: 4
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams
I have always enjoyed helping others and being a good influence. Being in SWAT through my middle school years has helped me achieve my goals. I am starting high school this year, and hope to be an even bigger influence on my peers and my community in the fight against big tobacco. I am in color guard and I like to draw/sketch, paint, and read.
Region: 4
“Real strength has to do with helping others.” – Fred Rogers
This year is my third year in SWAT and my first on the YAB. I joined my school’s SWAT club when I saw a poster in the hallway in my freshman year. I immediately knew that this was the one for me, because I want to pursue a career in advocacy. I’m a part of my school’s Student Government Association and a section editor of the Yearbook. I live in Melbourne, Brevard County, but one day I’d love to live in Washington, D.C. When I’m not busy with school, I love listening to music, going to concerts, and discovering new kinds of food.
Region: 3
“Mind is never a problem; mindset is.” – Narendra Modi
Growing up, I was always exposed to tobacco. When I got older and I understood the dangers of tobacco, I realized that I wanted to make a change to better the health of my family, and others. SWAT is continuing to help me further my knowledge on tobacco and other harmful products. SWAT gives me the information to reach others in a factual way. This program has given me a stable platform. Thanks to YAB, I can now do more for my community. As I grow and gain knowledge, I hope that the information I spread gets into the minds of everyone I meet, so they can understand the harm of smoking.
Region: 3
“Shoot for the stars but if you happen to miss shoot for the moon instead.” – Neil Armstrong
My name is Grace Chung and I am an upcoming senior. This is my fourth year in SWAT and my first on the YAB. After joining SWAT as a freshman, I’ve had the privilege of working towards a tobacco-free future alongside my school’s club. I am thrilled to have the same opportunity to do this with the other YAB members. Aside from SWAT, some of my favorite activities are Business Professionals of America, band, and cheerleading. I’m truly excited about the upcoming year on the YAB, and I can’t wait to see what we can do for SWAT.
Region: 3
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” – Winston Churchill
This is my fourth year in SWAT and first on YAB. I originally joined SWAT because I have always been a big advocate for the things I believe in. In my freshman year of high school, my best friend and I decided we wanted to find a club and make our voices heard by backing a good., Then we found SWAT. Ever since that day, I have been excited to put my best foot forward and help in the long journey of shaping a better future for others around me.
Region: 3
“They whispered to her: ‘You can’t withstand the storm’, and she whispered back: ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown
Hi, I’m Mackenzie Donnelly. My pronouns are she/her and I’m 16 years old. I am in 11th grade and attend Q.I. Roberts Jr/Sr High School. I have been in SWAT for around five years. I enjoy reading/writing and I am a very energetic person with an optimistic and upbeat personality.
Region: 2
“Smile my dear, you know you’re never fully dressed without one.” – Alastor
I am Jacob Kuzyk. I love archery, Dungeons & Dragons, and Minecraft. I am part of the Boy Scouts and I like watching comedians.
Region: 2
“Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak, sometimes you’re just strong enough to let go.” – Taylor Swift
Hi, I’m Gracie Finney and I’m a senior at Deltona High School. I’ve been in SWAT for 4 years now. Outside of school I play softball for 7 years and tennis for 3 and I love Taylor Swift.
Region: 2
“This thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford
After seeing the harm caused by the use of tobacco and nicotine products in my family and friends, I joined SWAT to help them and protect future generations from the detrimental effects of these items. This is my first year in SWAT and on the YAB. I am going into my sophomore year at Yulee Highschool, and I intend to make SWAT better known in my area as I spread the facts about the dangers of tobacco and nicotine.
Region: 2
“Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” – Joyce Meyer
I’ve been in SWAT for one year, this is my first time in YAB. I was encouraged by my SWAT coordinator to run for YAB, and I’m glad I did, as I was able to attend the 2023 SWAT Statewide Meeting. I met a lot of people and ended up becoming friends with many while also learning about the harmful effects of tobacco and their propaganda. I am excited to be part of SWAT, because it allows young people to do things in their community that would have been challenging without its support.
Region: 1
“Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you just keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
I have always had a passion for helping, and SWAT has enabled me to do that and more. Helping my generation in this war against Big Tobacco has allowed me to encourage thousands of people, truly sparking my passion. I have been a SWAT member for five years and a YAB member for four years and counting. I’m grateful to be spending my last year as a part of this incredible family as we continue to work towards a tobacco free future.
Region: 1
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” – Sun Tzu
I am a sophomore at James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison County. One big problem I wish to tackle is tobacco litter.
Region: 1
“It’s not about being happy all the time or being sure of all your choices. It’s about knowing that life is precious, even when it’s tough.” – Topher Kearby
Hello, my name is Cyluas Bausby. I’m a seventeen-year-old high school junior from Bonifay, Holmes County. I joined SWAT because it looked like an awesome way to put my foot down against smokers. I know it’s bad habit, and many of my family members have died from it. By joining SWAT, I hope to help save as many people of our generation and those to come from dying because of smoking. That is why I joined YAB.
Region: 1
“To inform one person about tobacco you can change a life one person at a time you can change the world one day at a time you can change everything.” – Unknown
I’m John Schmidt and I am in ninth grade going good from some teachers but not so good for others. I’ve been in SWAT for about four years now and SWAT has told me a lot about the Big Tobacco business. Things like my favorite school subjects would be AG class, but then you got the things I do outside of school and some of them would be snowboarding in the winter, wakeboarding in the summer and I have a racing lawn mower, big tire bike, chopper bike, and mini trick bike. Then you have SWAT again and SWAT is important to me because it shows people things that most people don’t get like YAB going ahead and informing all these people about tobacco use and us cleaning parks for the young, so they don’t get these tobacco products in hand reach.
Region: 1
“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.” – Richard Wilkins
Hi! My name is Kamirah Louissaint and I am Haitian-American. Some hobbies I enjoy are reading, crocheting, biking, and authoring poems, and short stories. I joined SWAT because I used to always hear people say that the next generation is the voice of the future, but I never saw any effort towards educating the next generations on how to be the voice other than what the school textbooks said. SWAT provides students with the much-needed platform and support from other peers as well as independent and group guidance on not only life but the horrors that they will and have been facing in the world. SWAT, through peer on peer educating and advocating, exposes students to the truth of life with Big Tobacco as a common enemy and takedown goal. It also provides the right amount of support and laissez-faire teaching so that students do not only leave improving the community but building themselves along with it.
Region: 4
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” – Sun Tzu
I am currently a freshman at James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison County. I feel that secondhand smoke is a big problem and I wish to make that problem more known, as well as being a higher priority than it currently is.
Region: 1
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” – Albert Einstein
Throughout my high school years, tobacco and products containing have played a huge part in my everyday life. I have never personally tried anything of this sort, my people close to me have. Tobacco should not be targeting young audiences, and I am a very firm believer that this is not right. I am in SWAT at my high school at the moment and hope to continue and always be a member. I have a job, and I am in a few clubs at the moment, but SWAT is my top priority as extra curriculars go, since I am the most passionate about topics such as these.
Region: 4
“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in peoples lives.” – Michelle Obama
I’ve seen many people, friends, and family use tobacco and witnessed its ugly effect. Some know the harm and use, others I’ve seen blindly use because of factors like pressure. I know I want to help people see the harm of Big Tobacco and help encourage action. I have always believed that one small change can make a huge impact and SWAT has given me the platform to reach others. I have been an active member in SWAT for about 5 years and am now a newly appointed YAB member. Outside of SWAT, I’m in Delta Sigma Theta G.E.M.S. and a cheerleader.
Region: 3
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver
Growing up, my family didn’t use tobacco products, but I have encountered a lot of tobacco with friends and fellow workers. That is what encouraged me to be part of “Students Working Against Tobacco.” Being in SWAT is helping me tell him more and more and he is now trying to stop thanks to SWAT. And I have been in SWAT for 3 years. This is my first year in YAB. I am in ninth grade and looking forward to getting more teens into SWAT for my county.
Region: 1
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
As a normal high school girl, I always see teenagers smoking different types of products. One day during my freshmen year, I was in the bathroom and some girl, unintentionally, breathed out her vape on me and thought it was okay. That is when I realized how bad the issue of smoking is, and how terrible the fact is that it is normal for teenagers to smoke or vape nowadays. I knew I had to take action after that incident and so I joined SWAT in my school and a year ago became the president of my school’s SWAT club since I couldn’t but continue doing things about the issue. Outside of SWAT, I am the president of the Jewish Student Union at my school and the president of the Friendship Circle presidents’ council.
Region: 4
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey, I’m Saesha Wani! I am currently a high school senior in Miami-Dade County! I got involved in SWAT about three years ago when it was first introduced at my school. Tobacco has affected my life as big tobacco companies continue to target many of my friends and family members. Therefore, I was so excited to join a group of students with similar interests and together, advocate for tobacco control. SWAT has been a big part of my life. and has allowed me to get involved in my school and make a difference in my community! After being involved in my school’s SWAT club for a year, I decided to take my journey with SWAT a step further and run for the YAB. This is my third year on the YAB, and I am ready to make our goals of a tobacco-free future a reality. Outside of SWAT, I am part of my school’s Student Government, Key Club, and STEM Club. I enjoy getting involved in my community, and I am always pushing myself to try new things!
Region: 4
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Hi, my name is Isabella Velez and I’m currently a senior from Broward County. I’ve been in S.W.A.T. for four years and can safely say that joining has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my high school career. Tobacco use has always been a topic I’ve been interested in, especially after seeing those around me using it throughout middle and high school. I’ve seen tobacco affect multiple friends and family members, so when I first found out about S.W.A.T. as a freshman, I joined without hesitation. Being in S.W.A.T. has given me multiple opportunities to help educate my peers, family, and outside community on the effects of using tobacco products. Aside from being an officer in S.W.A.T, I’m involved in my school’s chapter of HOSA, National Honor Society, and am also the co-captain for my colorguard team. I hope that by being a YAB member I can share my ideas and help have a greater impact throughout the state. I look forward to this upcoming year of spreading S.W.A.T.’s message and continue being on the YAB!
Region: 4
“Don’t be the same. Be better.” – Author Unknown
Since I was in elementary school, my parents always told me not to put any harmful things in my body. I used to attend the tobacco free partnership meetings with my mom, and one time I was given a stress ball that happened to be pink lungs. After that I told my parents I want my lungs to be healthy always, so therefore, I decided that I was not going to smoke or put any harmful things in my body. As a member in SWAT, I will continue to take a stance against big tobacco and help my generation to be tobacco and vape free.
Region: 3
“Mind is never a problem; mindset is.” – Narendra Modi
Growing up, I was always exposed to tobacco, and as I grew up the usage of tobacco got worse. However when I got older and I could understand what tobacco was I realized that I wanted to make a change to better the health of my family, and others. SWAT is continuing to help me further my knowledge on tobacco, and other harmful products. SWAT gives me the information to reach others in a factual way about tobacco and what it does. This program has given me a stable platform to stand on so I can grow and learn as much as I can. Thanks to this new YAB position that I gained I can now do more for my community and better their knowledge on tobacco. As I grow and gain knowledge, I hope that the information I spread gets into the minds of everyone so everyone can understand the harm of smoking.
Region: 3
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein
My name is Mahika Podarala. I am a rising 9th grader. My interests include competitive swimming, classical singing, science fair, and community service. A few of my hobbies include origami, drawing, playing the piano, and hanging out with my friends and family. An interesting fact about myself was that I was born in Colorado, and later moved to India for one year, attending school there, before moving back to the sunshine state. Recently, I have been elected to be part of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and am looking forward to working with my peers to spread awareness about tobacco use. I enjoy being part of SWAT as it gives me the opportunity to collaborate with others who share the same goal as me and make a positive difference in my community.
Region: 3
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
Hi my name is Emma Maldonado and I have been a SWAT member for the past 4 years. I am currently in 12th grade and am excited to start in YAB this year. Through my time in SWAT I worked within community to battle big tobacco. Some of the ways I worked within the community is through volunteering at the local farmers market, though SWAT and by presenting information about big tobacco to the county commissioners in citrus county. In my free time I work at an aquarium as an underwater performer (mermaid) I love spending time outdoors and help out at many environmental events.
Region: 2
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” – James Bryant Conant
This is my sixth year in SWAT and fourth year on the YAB. I joined SWAT after losing my grandma to cancer. I’ve always wanted to change the world for the better, but I just never knew how. Being in SWAT helped me realize I want to create a tobacco free future. Thanks to my amazing first advisor (Hi Mrs. McCalligan!), my awesome first coordinator (Hey Kayla!), all the other dedicated adults who have helped me along the way, and my passion for the cause, I fell in love with SWAT. I can’t wait to give as much to SWAT as it’s given to me.
Region: 2
“They whispered to her, ‘You can’t withstand the storm’, and she whispered back, ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown
Hi, I’m Mackenzie Donnelly. My pronouns are She/Her and I’m 15 years old. I am in 10th grade and attend Q.I. Roberts Jr/Sr High School. I have been in SWAT for around four years. I enjoy reading/writing and I am a very energetic person with an optimistic and upbeat personality.
Region: 2
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
Hi my name is Isabel Baxter and I have been a SWAT member for the past 4 years. I have been in SWAT since 8th grade and am currently in 12th grade. I am proud to be a SWAT member as I appreciate what it stands for and how being a SWAT member can help our community. I decided to be a YAB member as I wanted a platform to be able to spread more awareness of the dangers of tobacco use. As a Senior in High School I have seen a lot of tobacco use in our youth community. My main priority is to help end the tobacco use in our youth community, so our generation does not become the next tobacco addicted generation.
Region: 2
“Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you just keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
I have always had a passion for helping, and SWAT has allowed me to do that and more. Helping my generation in this war against Big Tobacco has enabled me to encourage thousands of people and it has truly sparked my passion. I have been a SWAT member for about four years and a YAB member for two years and counting. I’m thrilled to be able to work with and be a part of this incredible family in the future.
Region: 1
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu
Since I was a young kid, I’ve always been surrounded by tobacco products and the problems they caused. SWAT gave me an opportunity to cause the change that I wanted to see for my community and the world. Outside of SWAT I spend my time reading, studying, and causing a minor amount of chaos.
Region: 1
“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.” – Paulo Coelho
Hello, my name is David Egues, and this is my third year in Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT). I am a Senior at Western High School in Broward County. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in educating my peers, friends, and family on the dangers of tobacco use. Now I am glad to say that I can, as my time in SWAT continues to help me learn how to properly advocate anti-tobacco measures and information to aid others in becoming aware of tobacco’s harmful effects. While I have partaken in leadership roles in my local chapter, including Vice President and Secretary, I felt I needed to become more involved in SWAT to contribute to a greater impact. For this reason, I decided to join the Youth Advocacy Board this year to become more committed to the cause and meet others like me who also spread the anti-tobacco message. Outside of SWAT, I enjoy participating in my local boy scout troop, reading a variety of novels, and going on long walks to become more familiar with the world around me.
Region: 4
“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” – Billy Cox
Hey, I’m Saesha Wani! I am currently a high school junior in the SWAT club at José Martí MAST 6-12 Academy in Miami-Dade County! I got involved in SWAT about three years ago when it was first introduced at my school. I joined because I wanted to work towards the ultimate goal of creating a tobacco free future. Tobacco has affected my life as big tobacco continues to target many of my family members and friends. Therefore, I was so excited to join a group of students with similar interests and to advocate for tobacco control. Since then, Students Working Against Tobacco has been a big part of my life. SWAT has allowed me to get involved in my school and make a difference in my community! After being involved in my school’s SWAT chapter for a year, I decided to take my journey with SWAT a step further and run for the YAB. This is my second year on the YAB, and I am ready to make our goals of a tobacco-free future a reality and be Big Tobacco’s biggest nightmare. Outside of SWAT, I am part of my school’s Student Government, Key Club, and STEM Club. I enjoy getting involved in my community, and I am always pushing myself to try new things!
Region: 4
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey
As a child, I was unaware of the effects tobacco had on my environment and the people around me. My family consisted of very few smokers, but there was one I was around constantly, my grandfather. One day he decided it was time to quit, and I began to do some research. I found out about Big Tobacco companies and their harmful marketing tactics. This led me to join SWAT. My grandfather’s courage inspired me to join several other clubs, including student government, student council, etc. I’ve been a part of SWAT for two years now, and I’m excited to continue to grow and advocate with the Youth Advocacy Board.
Region: 4
“The best things in life, the very best things happen unexpectedly.” – Mamma Mia (2008)
Hi, my name is Isabella Velez, and I’m currently a junior from Broward County. I’ve been in SWAT for three years and can safely say that joining has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my high school career. Tobacco use has always been a topic that has interested me, especially in middle school and high school. I’ve seen tobacco affect multiple friends and family members, so when I first found out about. SWAT, as a freshman, I joined without hesitation. Being in SWAT has given me multiple opportunities to help educate my peers, family, and outside community on the effects of using tobacco products. Aside from being an officer in SWAT, I’m involved in my school’s chapter of HOSA and color guard. I hope that by being a YAB member I can share my ideas and help make a greater impact throughout the state. I look forward to this upcoming year of spreading SWAT’s message and being on the YAB!
Region: 4
“The first step is to say you can.” – Will Smith
Hey! I’m Kyle King! I’m currently a senior attending Miami Palmetto Senior High in Miami Dade County. I joined SWAT because I was interested in making a profound impact on the youth of my community. Through SWAT, I was able to gain the ability to teach others of the dangers and negative effects that they may not have known before. I’m glad to work with other YAB members to achieve goals and make an impact on a larger scale. Outside of SWAT, I work on music and film production. I enjoy playing basketball with friends and studying business.
Region: 4
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein
My Name is Mahika Podarala. I am currently an 8th grader studying at Seminole Science Charter School. My interests include competitive swimming, classical singing, science fair, and community service. A few of my hobbies include origami, drawing, playing the piano, and hanging out with my friends and family. An interesting fact about myself is that I was born in Colorado. Recently, I have been elected to be part of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and am looking forward to working with my peers to spread awareness about the dangers of vaping. I enjoy being a part of SWAT as it gives me the opportunity to collaborate with others who share the same goal and make a positive difference in my community.
Region: 3
“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.” – Virginia Satir
Hello everyone! I am Bryan, and I am currently a senior at Lake Gibson High School. I am extremely excited to be a part of the YAB this year, and I hope to expand my platform even more. I am involved in other clubs and programs such as HOSA, Equal People, and Upward Bound, which have given me the leadership skills that I need for this position. I can´t wait to see what this year has for us!
Region: 3
“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.” – Douglas MacArthur
I am in SWAT because I want to show Big Tobacco companies that we will not be their lab rats and let them destroy people’s lives. My grandma got addicted to cigarettes and later had major health problems, including having part of her stomach removed. This was very eye-opening to me and made me want to fight even more against Big Tobacco companies. By being a part of SWAT and the YAB, I can help educate people about the dangers of tobacco use and possibly prevent them from using it. Big Tobacco is hurting many families, especially health-wise, and they need to be stopped. So, I am proud to be anti-Big Tobacco companies and tobacco free.
Region: 3
“Without struggle there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglas
My name is Gunner Reynolds. I became part of the YAB because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of my peers and my relatives. There’s a lot of people in my life that smoke and I don’t like it. Since joining the Hernando Community SWAT Club, I started to learn the truth about what Big Tobacco does to youth like me. They trick youth into smoking and vaping. Vaping has a sweet candy flavor, and they infuse it with a candy smell, like cherry and apple. By becoming a member of the Youth Advocacy Board, I will learn more facts about Big Tobacco, and it will prepare me to spread the word in my school, community, and nationwide. It is my pleasure and honor to serve on the YAB. I will represent Florida’s youth to the best of my ability. I am here as a YABer to work for you, and make real change happen for you! Together we will make history, while making Big Tobacco a thing of the past!!!
Region: 3
“They whispered to her, ‘You can’t withstand the storm’, and she whispered back, ‘I am the storm.'” – Unknown
Hi, I’m Mackenzie Donnelly. My pronouns are She/Her and I’m 14 years old. I am in 9th grade and attend Q.I. Roberts Jr/Sr High School. I have been in SWAT for around four years. I enjoy reading/writing and I am a very energetic person with an optimistic and upbeat personality.
Region: 2
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” – James Bryant Conant
This is my fifth year in SWAT and third year on the YAB. I joined SWAT after losing my grandma to cancer. I’ve always wanted to change the world for the better, but I just never knew how. Being in SWAT helped me realize I want to create a tobacco free future. Thanks to my amazing first advisor (Hi Mrs. McCalligan!), my awesome first coordinator (Hey Kayla!), all the other dedicated adults who have helped me along the way, and my passion for the cause, I fell in love with SWAT. I can’t wait to give as much to SWAT as it’s given to me.
Region: 2
“Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.” – Mohandas Gandhi
My name is Ivy Baxter, and I have been a member of SWAT for three years. Recently, I had the honor of becoming a YAB member. I have always been passionate about creating a tobacco free atmosphere in my community and hope in the future to reach more people and discuss the effects of tobacco. Outside of SWAT, I attend Lecanto High School as a junior, and some of my hobbies are running and baking.
Region: 2
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
Hi, my name is Isabel Baxter, and I have been a SWAT member for the past three years. I have been in SWAT since 8th grade and am currently in 11th grade. I am proud to be a SWAT member as I appreciate what it stands for and how being a SWAT member can help our community. I decided to be a YAB member this year as I wanted a platform to spread more awareness of the dangers of tobacco use. As a Junior in High School, I have seen a lot of tobacco use in our youth community. My main priority is to help end tobacco use in our community, so our generation does not become the next tobacco-addicted generation.
Region: 2
“If not us, who? If not now, when?” – President John F. Kennedy
I have always desired to make a change in this world, and SWAT is one of the ways I am making my desire a reality. I am currently a student at Port St. Joe High School. I am an active member, and President of our SWAT chapter. I am also The Band of Gold’s historian and a senator in SGA. I am so glad that I get to have the opportunity to serve on the YAB. My dreams are being made true. The world is a better place, and I get to be a part of making it happen.
Region: 1
“Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you just keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
I have always had a passion for helping, and SWAT has allowed me to do that and more. Helping my generation in this war against Big Tobacco has enabled me to encourage thousands of people and it has truly sparked my passion. I have been a SWAT member for about three years and a YAB member for one and counting. I’m thrilled to be able to work with and be a part of this incredible family in the future.
Region: 1
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs
My journey with SWAT began during my freshman year when a teacher told me and some friends about it. That was just the beginning. Since then, I have attended every meeting and event we have hosted or assisted. SWAT became my second family, so I took it a step further and joined the leadership committee. Not long after that, I decided to run for the YAB. Joining SWAT was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Region: 1
“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” – Malala Yousafzai
Currently, I am a senior at James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison County. The reason I joined was to get involved in extracurriculars and to support SWAT’s message and ultimate goal. To me, SWAT is a program that grants the ability to not only get involved in your community but to change it. Besides working with SWAT, I enjoy reading classics, studying languages, and identifying local plants. As of recently, I have taken an interest in physics and environmentalism.
Region: 1
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Obama
Growing up, tobacco was a normal product used in my family. As I grew up, the effects of tobacco were starting to take action, and I didn’t want to let Big Tobacco win a war that I didn’t know had started. SWAT was there for me and gave me lots of opportunities and encouraged me to take action. I have been an active member of SWAT for the past five years and a YAB member for four. Recently, I became a National Youth Ambassador for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Outside of SWAT, I am the class president for the senior class at Osceola High School, vice president of the National Honor Society, and an All-American cheerleader.
Region: 3
“Secondhand smoke causes numerous health problems in infants and children, including more frequent and severe asthma attacks, respiratory infection, and sudden infant death syndrome.”
I am involved in my local SWAT chapter because I want to inform as many people as possible about Big Tobacco and how and why tobacco companies target youth. I’ve been a member of SWAT for three years. My favorite SWAT moment was when I had the opportunity to go to a YAB meeting, even though I wasn’t a member of YAB. I learned many leadership skills and was able to utilize them in my county chapter. My favorite superhero is Superman because he would save anyone at any time and could still live a normal life. My hobbies and interests outside of school are Hi-Q and doing schoolwork online.
Region: 2
“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Winnie the Pooh
Growing up, tobacco was a normal thing used by my family members every day. I have seen how addicting it can be. I have lost family members to the use of tobacco. I saw that SWAT was a club at my school wanting to spread awareness, help prevent tobacco use and stop big tobacco from targeting youth so I joined and have been in SWAT for four years now. Outside of SWAT, I am a member of BETA, HOSA, and SGA. I am also on the girls weightlifting team.
Region: 2
“Kid you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
I am involved in SWAT because I am very passionate when it comes to working towards a tobacco free future. I absolutely admire the fact that everyone is so close and it produces a family environment. I also don’t want my peers to fall right into Big Tobacco’s lies and get hooked on something so deadly. I have been a member of SWAT for 3 years now. Some of my favorite “SWAT moments” would be last year’s regional retreat. I loved getting on stage and being able to communicate with my peers! I have also starred in two SWAT videos that are shared throughout the state of Florida! It was a great experience! waiting so… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
Region: 1
“If you are always looking in the rearview mirror sooner or later you will crash.” -unknown
I am involved in SWAT because I believe it’s a great cause. Not only do I believe it’s a great cause I have a passion for everything that SWAT stands for.
Region: 1
“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” -Francis of Assisi
I am involved in SWAT because it has a good mission, and it gives students the opportunity to do things they never thought they could do. Working with SWAT is such a great way to serve my community for a reason I’m passionate about, and I’m so happy that I get to work with the group in the way I do. I have been a member of SWAT for about five years. I joined my county chapter when I was in sixth grade. My friend’s mother was one of our advisors from the health department, and she invited me to a meeting. I’ve been involved ever since. One of the events that sticks out most in my memory is the statewide meeting that was held in the summer of 2012. It was so much fun to be able to meet SWAT members from around the state and talk to them not just about what they were doing in SWAT but also what they were doing outside of SWAT, all while we were learning more about Big Tobacco and what we could do to fight it. The meeting was a great way to see that SWAT wasn’t just in one place; it was all over Florida, and all of its members were working towards the same goal, even if it didn’t feel like it when we were back in our own counties. The meeting was very informative, and I met so many wonderful people.
Region: 2
“Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” – Michelle Obama
I have been a SWAT member for the past five years. Currently, I am the Levy County SWAT Representative and I serve as the Youth Co-Chair of the Tobacco Free Partnership of Levy County. There is not a SWAT club at my new school, however, I am working with school administration and my Tobacco Prevention Specialist to get a team started there. I was the Cedar Key School SWAT Club President from 2012-2015. I was the founding member and President of the Williston High School SWAT Club for the 2015-2016 school year. In April of 2016, I stepped up to fill a vacancy on the SWAT Youth Advocacy Board for Region 2 and I was appointed to serve as a YAB member for the remainder of the YAB term. I have attended all YAB calls and meetings, and have taken on an important leadership role in planning the Region 2 SWAT meeting. I have also attended regional SWAT meetings for the past two years to represent Levy County.
Region: 2
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
I am involved in SWAT because I believe in making a positive change in the world and spreading awareness in tobacco use. This is my first year in SWAT and first year of SWAT! My favorite SWAT moment was YAB Elections.
Region: 2
“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” -William Shakespeare
I am involved in SWAT because I want to make a difference in my community. It is important that we, as youth, take action to raise awareness for causes that are important to us.
Region: 2
“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville
I am involved in SWAT because I believe in change. Tobacco use has been accepted for generations and it has not done a shred of good. It dissolves the population rather than preserving it. Thousands of individuals are being killed by this product everyday.
Region: 3
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Einstein
Three years ago I joined SWAT because some of my family members were addicted to tobacco products and I was outraged with the reason why they started: They were targeted as rural youth and influenced by social norms. I want to better Florida’s youth by educating them.
Region: 3
“Life is too short to be anything but happy” by unknown
I have been a SWAT member for a total of 2 years and decided to join because many relatives of mine have gotten ill from tobacco products. Because of this, I have a passion for fighting against the Big Tobacco companies and SWAT enables me to do so. My favorite SWAT moment was when I saw Patrick Perez (a motivational speaker against tobacco companies) come to my school and danced for us to show other replacement ideas for tobacco products. A couple of kids in my grade volunteered to dance along and it was really funny watching them.
Region: 3
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail,” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am involved in SWAT because it grants me the platform to fulfill my duties as a blossoming leader and advocator against tobacco. It is my desire to uplift, educate, captivate and empower my fellow peers.
Region: 4
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Ghandi
I have been a SWAT member for 2 years now and joined because I wanted to expand my potential of taking new campaigns from a community level to a statewide level. I also want to educate the public/youth on the truth of Big Tobacco companies and inspire others. Although every moment as a member has been a memorable and unforgettable experience, my favorite memory was when I was elected to become a representative of region 4 on the Youth Advisory Board.
Region: 4
“When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” — from the movie Finding Nemo
The reason I am in SWAT is because I love to deglamorize Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco is a deceptive market that targets my peers and the ones I love. As a result of the deceptive market, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandmother who passed away from lung cancer. I support the military in many ways; therefore, I will fight against Big Tobacco’s market strategy toward our soldiers. My grandfather, another loved one lost to Big Tobacco, was a Green Beret in the Army. Having fought in the Vietnam and Korean wars, Big Tobacco targeted him and his peers for their masculinity. As a result, the mixture of tobacco chemicals and Agent Orange (a chemical spray) caused cancer in numerous places, leading to his death. The thing I admire most about SWAT is the counteraction of Big Tobacco’s deceptive market. These are the reasons I am fighting against Big Tobacco.
Region: 1
“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton.
I am involved in SWAT because I see it as a way to help future generations. I have seen and learned about how tobacco can negatively affect our health, economy, environment, and more. I am passionate about making sure that our generation is the one that ends smoking, and that future generations won’t have to go through the damage that past generations had to go through. I have been a member of SWAT for 5 years, from 7th grade to now. My favorite SWAT memory is when I had the chance to speak with state lawmakers about tobacco prevention. Not only was it very exciting for me, but it showed me how far SWAT can take me. It was also a great bonding experience for me and all the other SWAT members who spoke with me. Outside of school and SWAT, I love to code and practice martial arts. I am also involved in my school as a class officer and belong to the Model United Nations team.
Region: 3
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Obama
Growing up, tobacco was a normal product used in my family. But as I got older, the effects of tobacco were starting to take effect, and I didn’t want to let Big Tobacco win a war I didn’t know had started. SWAT was there for me and gave me lots of opportunities and encouraged me to take action. I have been an active member of SWAT for the past three years. Recently, I was given the opportunity to speak to legislators at an open legislation meeting in Tallahassee. The trip was a great opportunity for me to build my character and confidence, and to learn new ways to effectively communicate with my peers and legislators. As my idol Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Outside of SWAT, I am the class president for my junior class at Osceola High School, National Honor Society member, and an All-American Cheerleader! When I’m not participating in these activities, I am spending my time with my family and dogs.
Region: 3
“Take action to see reward. Do nothing and be ignored.”
The first time I saw SWAT was on the news, where they described what they did and what further actions they were hoping to take. I decided right then and there to join SWAT. Every volunteer job was a step closer to the goal. All the educational advice I had received and was given was an eye opener. I shared this information with friends and family who are in the process of reaching their own success. I’ve met a lot of great people through the short five years that I’ve been involved. I’m 17 and chapter president for Seminole County, Region 3. This is my first year in YAB, but hopefully not my last, for I feel that I have much to gain and much to offer. I hope people never stop taking action to obtain their individual goals, and help us reach our overall goal.
Region: 3
“If you remain neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu
For me, SWAT is more than an advocacy program. It is a lifesaving program that teaches young people how powerful their voices truly are. I am a senior at Chipley High School in Washington County. I have been in SWAT going on 8 years, and I still get excited every time we take a positive step toward the first tobacco-free generation!
Region: 1
“If you want to walk the heavenly streets of gold, you gotta know the password, Roll Tide Roll!” — Bear Bryant
I am 100% against tobacco. My brother was in SWAT and I wanted to follow his lead. I feel passionate about the fight against Big Tobacco. I want to have the chance to let everyone know about tobacco and its harmful effects – especially my friends who are like family. I have been a member of SWAT for three years, since 6th grade. Every year during the homecoming parade the high school SWAT Club makes posters and floats with tobacco-related messages. They always invite the middle school SWAT to join them, and we get to ride on the float. In 5th grade, SWAT members came to my school and they had a truth poster contest. I got first place. I love being involved with SWAT at school events such as volleyball, basketball, and football games. I have had amazing experiences attending the last three SWAT retreats. Getting to know other SWAT members from around our region is so much fun!
Region: 1
Since my first SWAT meeting in 8th grade, I’ve realized why I joined. It’s because I feel as if SWAT can be beneficial to public health by reducing the number of people killed by tobacco products every year as well as have a positive effect on the environment will be a lot cleaner. My first SWAT event was at a beach cleanup. During that cleanup, I saw how much the environment is affected by tobacco products. Being on the YAB shows others and me what we, as part of the SWAT and YAB group, are really about by showing what we are really fighting for. I joined YAB to build up my local SWAT chapter, get others to see how serious the club is, and to get more members.
Region: 4
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1
I have been a member of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) for two years, and currently serve as the vice president of my county chapter. My involvement in SWAT is motivated by the fact that it utilizes proactive youth who are passionate about ending the terror of big tobacco companies. It establishes policies of health and wellness that will have lasting effects for years to come. I love facilitating ideas and taking part in resolutions that will benefit our society. One policy in particular that I would like to focus on in the coming year is secondhand smoke, especially its effects in multiple housing units such as apartment buildings. These past years in SWAT have allowed me to interact with so many amazing people, all working toward a healthier world free of tobacco. In my personal life, I love spending time with family and friends. I’m an active member of my church and enjoy playing volleyball. I am so proud to be on your SWAT Youth Advocacy Board!
Region: 4
I serve as the president of my school SWAT chapter, where I lead and aid my fellow members to reach their fullest potential and succeed in all their projects. In addition to being the president of my chapter, I am also an active participant in all chapter activities, which include events, projects, expositions, showcases, and movements. My favorite tobacco control observance is the Great American Smokeout, as it is an observance that recognizes not only people who realize the dangers of tobacco, but also the smokers themselves who attempt to quit. This observance encourages smokers to quit, even if only for a day, in order to highlight the health benefits of cessation. It also allows for smokers and non-smokers to work together for a cause that benefits everyone, as it reduces both firsthand and secondhand smoke. I encourage my fellow members to work to their maximum potential and inspire teamwork. Not only have I served in the Youth Advocacy Board (YAB), I have also served in Region 4’s Leadership Council, and am also currently the president of the St. Lucie County SWAT chapter. Serving on the YAB provides me with the opportunity to make a difference for not only my region, but for all of SWAT and the people in the state of Florida.
Region: 4
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ― Helen Keller
I joined SWAT because I wanted to be a part of the powerful movement that we represent. I believe that if America’s youth all stand together, we can create a chain reaction and help stop the use of tobacco products all over the world. This is my first year as a member, and I’m really glad I joined this amazing organization because the people that we work with are so helpful — they make you feel like family as soon as you join the organization. My favorite SWAT moment would definitely be this year at the Christmas Festival, when we walked around getting as many adults and teens to sign the smokeless tobacco pledge cards with the middle school SWATters. This was a great opportunity to see the younger generation’s views on tobacco as well as for them to see the older generation’s views, all at once. My favorite superhero is Captain America because he stands for justice and defends the weak. Much how our movement may represent a small percentage of those campaigning against tobacco, but as we come together, we are stronger. My favorite hobbies are helping out my friends and family by tutoring them after school and singing in my church choir; my favorite song is “How Great is Our God.”
Region: 2
I’m student at Explorer K-8 in Hernando County. I have served as the president of our SWAT program for three years. It is an honor to be the first student in Hernando County to be voted on to the Youth Advocacy Board (YAB) for SWAT. I look forward to working with all the YAB members to bring more awareness to the SWAT initiative, and share what I learn with the students of Hernando County.
Region: 3
“Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have been involved in Santa Rosa County’s Students Working Against Tobacco program for almost 5 years. I am currently county chair for Santa Rosa. I am very passionate when it comes to Tobacco Prevention among youth. I have learned so much about my community and the State of Florida. I am proud to say that I am a part of this fight against tobacco and will always be fighting. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself, and I found it here. Our youth fight to deglamorize big tobacco and save the community.
Region: 1
“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Hi! My name is Amanda Bouquet. I am currently in my junior year of high school and a part of Region 4. I have been in SWAT for a year now, and this is my first time on the YAB. I was born in Brazil and can speak three languages. I love to watch movies and go to sporting events. I spend a lot of my time volunteering and giving back to my community. I am extremely excited to be a part of the YAB this term!
Region: 4
“Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.” – Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Hi, my name is Destiny Cole. I am currently a high school senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School and a college freshman at Daytona State College. I joined SWAT in my freshman year because it sounded like we would be doing secret government stuff. Turns out, it wasn’t the secret spy kind of SWAT, but one that has made a huge impact in my life. I really want to push the message that tobacco is one of the worst killers in the world and how people should stop using it.
Region: 2
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein
I am a part of SWAT because I want to help eliminate the use of tobacco-related products. Although cigarette smoking has declined, it is far from eliminated, and electronic nicotine delivery systems are increasing in prominence at a rapid rate, especially in youth. I have seen my peers and even friends use these, which sparked my initial interest in SWAT. My hobbies are woodworking, surfing and diving, and I am in Model United Nations and Debate at my school.
Region: 4
“Stay golden pony boy, stay golden.”- The Outsiders
This is my third year in SWAT. I am the president of my SWAT chapter. I joined SWAT to make people aware of Big Tobacco companies and how they are being targeted.
Region: 1
“Don’t explain your philosophy; embody it” – Author unknown.
I hope through hard work and dedication, all of SWAT can work together to defeat the deconstructive effects of the Tobacco Industry.
Region: 2
“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.” – Kid President
I am a senior at Williston Middle High, I have been in SWAT since I was in 6th grade, and have been president for almost 3 years. I first became involved with SWAT because I saw how tobacco was affecting my friends and family, and I thought the only way I could help was to join and get the word out.
Region: 2
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – John Lennon
My name is Hännah Ford and I am a junior at Sarasota Military Academy in Sarasota, FL. I have been a member of SWAT for 6 years now, starting my experience during the summer before entering 6th grade. Throughout my time in the Sarasota SWAT chapter, I have been able to participate in dozens of beach and park cleanups, talk with local and state politicians, and join forces with other clubs on Kick Butts Day. In addition, I was part of the chapter leadership program for three years as vice president at the Lee Wetherington Boys and Girls Club SWAT, and as social media coordinator for two years in the county-wide group. Students Working Against Tobacco has given me a chance to voice my opinion on tobacco-related issues (such as tobacco free campuses) and has also given me a platform to share the Tobacco Industry’s point of sale tactics with other concerned citizens. Tobacco use has diminished relationships between many of my family members, including the relationship between my biological father and me. My SWAT purpose is to assist youth in strengthening their knowledge on the issue at hand and save the connections of those impacted by the use of tobacco. Outside of this organization, I share a passion for business and marketing strategies and consider myself a young entrepreneur. Being a part of the YAB allows me to use my strong suits and creativity to tackle problems, preventing others from becoming one.
Region: 3
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel
Hey everyone, my name is Taylor Roberts! I live in Wewahitchka, Florida with my adoptive mother, older brother, and stepdad. I’m going into my senior year at Wewahitchka High School, and I’m a drum major of the Gator Sound Marching Band. My favorite subject in school is English. My passions include reading, drumming, and educating people alongside my fellow SWAT members!
Region: 1
“Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.” – Rosa Parks
My name is Robert Kordon. I am a 7th grader at Challenger K-8 from Hernando County. SWAT is probably the best decision I have ever made in my school life. SWAT is like my second family—every person in SWAT is an empowered anti-tobacco activist who knows what they are doing and what they want, and what we all want is a Tobacco Free Future. Being voted onto the YAB is such a great opportunity to spread the voices of the people in my region and make them be heard.
Region: 3
“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” – Paulo Coelho
Hi, I’m Emma. My journey with SWAT began in 6th grade when my math teacher insisted I join. I ended up enjoying the message that SWAT conveys. I love how in SWAT we don’t bash smokers but, instead, we educate them on how the tobacco industry targets them. Other than SWAT, I enjoy things such as playing video games, swimming, skating, watching Netflix, and listening to music.
Region: 2
“With humbleness, diligence, persistence, dedication and hard work, I will persevere.”
I’ve been involved in SWAT for about 2 years because I want to make a difference. I want to save lives by promoting tobacco education and how it’s not good for you and takes hundreds of thousands of lives each year. One of my favorite SWAT moments was when my SWAT chapter performed at the downtown Jacksonville Martin Luther King Jr. parade. We passed out information on tobacco and encouraged people to quit.
Region: 2
“Follow your arrow” – Kacey Musgraves
Hey! My name is Ashley Thompson and I am a sophomore at Miami Palmetto Senior High School in Miami-Dade County. I love my cat and dog, and, other than SWAT, some of my hobbies include working to reduce pollution in the environment. In addition, I enjoy healthy eating and strive to live a fit lifestyle. I am beyond excited to be a part of the YAB and cannot wait to see what we achieve!
Region: 4
“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present” – Bill Keane
Hello, I’m Elizabeth Sterling! I would describe myself as a passionate, caring and adventurous person. With that said, my journey with SWAT began at the age of 14, and it has opened my eyes to see the great impact youth has on our society. I took that motivation to begin a campaign in my county chapter that challenges Walgreens’ power wall. The remarkable accomplishments of my county chapter have driven me to be invested in the matters that are important to me. Currently, I am president of the St. Lucie County chapter and find joy in watching our chapter grow. In my personal time, I enjoy watching my favorite shows alongside my pet, Charlie. In addition to that, accessibility to the beach offers me many fun times with family and friends.
Region: 4
“With great power comes great responsibility” – from the movie Spider-Man
I am in my senior year at Okeechobee High School. I have been a part of my high school’s SWAT chapter since my freshman year and am currently the president. I have been involved in several major tobacco use prevention activities over the past 3 years. This includes receiving a proclamation from the Mayor of Okeechobee for Tobacco Free Florida week and a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioners for Okeechobee County for Through with Chew week. My SWAT involvement is also comprised of several events including my school’s Club Rush, the city’s Health and Safety Expo, and the Back to School Expo. I also attended the SWAT retreat at Lake Yale last summer. I am determined to take what I have learned over the last few years to help end the use of tobacco products and redefine what it means to be cool.
Region: 4
“Great achievements are the results of great expectations. You will see it happen only when you believe it will happen.” – Charles Dickens
I’m 14 years old and I have been a member of SWAT for 4 years. I served 2 years on the leadership committee and have been a member of YAB for half a year. I’m from Holmes County, and I’m in the 9th Grade.
Region: 1
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” – Oscar Wilde
I have been in SWAT for 2 ½ years. I joined SWAT because I believe that educating and bringing forth awareness can change a person’s life. Being a part of SWAT has allowed me to really help others and exceed personal growth. Outside of school and SWAT, I enjoy reading, traveling, writing, exercising, playing competitive sports, gardening, and playing with my pup, Jack. I am very interested in global development, agronomy, biotechnology, oceanography, as well as hydrology. I simply enjoy learning new things.
Region: 2
“I think there will be more smiles when the smoke clears.” – Shaun Alexander
Hi, my name is Ryan. I am from Volusia County (REGION 2!) and this is my second year on the YAB. As I child, I grew up with cigarettes indirectly. My father, other family members, and friends have gotten attracted to cigarettes and e-cigarettes. I have witnessed what the effects can do firsthand, as my aunt unfortunately just passed away from lung cancer. That’s why I want to use all the power I have to get rid of smoking and put the Big Tobacco companies out of business! We are truly tobacco’s BIGGEST nightmare!
Region: 2
“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” – Malala Yousafzai
Currently, I am a sophomore at James Madison Preparatory High School in Madison County. The reason I joined was that I wanted to get involved in extracurriculars and also because I support SWAT’s message and ultimate goal. To me, SWAT is a program that grants the ability to not only get involved in your community but to change it. In my time away from SWAT, I enjoy reading classics, studying languages, and identifying local plants. As of recently, I have taken an interest in physics and maintaining a safe and clean environment.
Region: 1
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs.
My journey in SWAT began my freshman year when a teacher of mine told me and some friends what SWAT was, and that was just the beginning. From there, I attended every meeting and every event we have hosted or assisted with. SWAT became my second family, so I decided to take it another step up and join the leadership committee. Not too long after that, I decided that I wanted to run for the YAB. Joining SWAT was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Region: 1
“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, ” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
The reason I am in SWAT is to educate this generation about Big Tobacco’s strategy to get them addicted to nicotine. Big Tobacco targets my peers and the next generation by having advertisements that make smoking or vaping appear to be safe. Studies show that children exposed to secondhand smoke from cigarettes and/or vapes are more likely to have health problems. As a child, I watched my grandfather smoke, and now he is being challenged with colon cancer and I watch as he deals with cancer-related health challenges in the future. When I learned that the chemicals in tobacco products cause harmful health problems, it made me want to put a stop to Big Tobacco companies. These are the reasons why I joined SWAT! I plan to spread the word that I am not Big Tobacco’s Lab Rat!
Region: 1
“Be the person you needed when you were younger.” – Ayesha Siddiqu
I joined SWAT because children are the future, and I want to make the next generation tobacco- free. That way, children don’t have to grow up without their aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents, or older siblings. Since I know firsthand how hard it can be to lose a loved one to a smoking-related illness, I don’t want anyone else to go through that. My biggest goal in SWAT is to just make a change, and I am ready for the challenges and memories of being on this year’s YAB.
Region: 2
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” –James Bryant Conant
This is my third year in SWAT. I joined SWAT after losing my grandma to cancer. I’ve always wanted to change the world for the better, but I just never knew how. Being in SWAT helped me realize I want to create a tobacco-free future. Thanks to my amazing advisor (Hi Mrs. McCalligan!), my awesome coordinator (Hey Kayla!), and my passion for the cause, I fell in love with SWAT. I can’t wait to give as much to SWAT as it’s given to me.
Region: 2
“Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses” – John Maxwell
My name is Shari Troy and I have been in SWAT for four years, and as president of our chapter for three. I am a junior at Hamilton County High School. My experience with SWAT has been amazing these past few years, and I consider the people in my chapter my family. I plan to make a difference in my community before I graduate, no matter how big or small that difference may be. Outside of SWAT, I am a teacher’s assistant and in the color guard with the marching band. I plan on going to culinary school once I am out of high school so that I can continue to do the things I love.
Region: 2
“Whenever you get down just think success, success, success and your happy feelings will start to express.” – Kamya Williams
One reason I am in SWAT is because I love to show Big Tobacco companies that we are not going to be their lab rats and let them destroy people’s lives. My grandma got addicted to cigarettes and later had major health problems, including having part of her stomach removed. This was very eye-opening to me, which made me want to fight even more against Big Tobacco companies. By being a part of SWAT and the YAB, I can help educate people about the dangers of tobacco use and possibly prevent them from using. Big Tobacco is hurting many families, especially health-wise, and they need to be stopped. So, I am proud to be anti-Big Tobacco companies and tobacco-free.
Region: 3
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hello, my name is Ioana Lungescu. The reason I joined SWAT was to become more aware about the decisions everyone around me seemed to be making haphazardly – life-altering, brain-changing decisions. But SWAT became more of a gift the further involved I got. I was able to get my voice out, to see adults and community leaders frown at the weight of my words. By becoming a youth activist, three other involved members and I were able to reform Broward County School Board policy. We presented to parents, teachers, and, most importantly, students (the future parents and teachers), and current decision-makers. While my mission in SWAT — to cure the epidemic of teenage smoking/vaping — has just begun, my ideas, message, and voice have only grown stronger amid the strength and support of my peers.
Region: 4
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy
My Name is Nicholas Martinez. The reason I joined the YAB is because I know the truth about Big Tobacco and a lot of Florida’s youth does not, and I want them to know the truth as well. By becoming a National Youth Ambassador for the CTFK and working on the local Miami-Dade E-cig campaign E-(liminate)Cigs, SWAT has helped me learn the facts about Big Tobacco and has prepared me enough to spread these facts like wildfire in my school, community, and nationwide. It is a pleasure and honor to serve you in the YAB. I represent Florida’s youth, I am here to work for you, and to make real change happen for you! We will make history while making Big Tobacco a thing of the past!
Region: 4
“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” –Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh)
The indispensable SWAT initiative in Florida tasks itself every day with inspiring others to express themselves in an effort to end the wide use of tobacco in society, and especially in today’s youth. As a proud youth advocate, I have channeled my efforts in raising awareness and advocating against Big Tobacco’s destructive aggressors. Being a proud Cuban myself, I have first-hand experience in witnessing Big Tobacco’s convincing campaigns, which have always been associated with elitist status for cigar smokers of all ages and genders. Putting these destructive qualities in perspective, I have focused on educating young adults to look out for themselves and each other when they witness the operation of these devices. Just recently, I was featured on Beacon Television along with members of my club, presenting to the superintendent possible solutions to counter the rapidly growing issue among teen use of electronic nicotine delivery systems and tobacco use. I am truly proud to be part of this movement, as I feel that we are all so genuinely dedicated to effecting change and cultivating a sense of unity, given such an important social opportunity. Together, these organizations, along with many important others,have made me more than prepared to fight Big Tobacco. Please join the effort to make a difference and save lives!
Region: 4
“If you’ve never failed, you’ve never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
I joined SWAT for the sole reason of wanting to help my schoolmates. That goal soon sprouted into me wanting to stop Big Tobacco from using our generation for money. Through SWAT, I soon realized that tobacco was becoming a major problem in this generation and that I needed to help the cause. I became the Vice President, and Treasurer, of my school’s SWAT club and an active member of the Bay County Leadership Team in order to help this cause. I was honored when I was elected into YAB and I am ecstatic to be able to continue my efforts.
Region: 1
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life—don’t ever waste it.” —Dale Partridge
Since I was in elementary school I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. Since the age of 10 I’ve always been doing leadership activities. This includes being the president of the Kiwanis in sixth grade, being in citizenship in seventh grade, and being in SWAT in eighth grade. Since I started SWAT I have had many opportunities such as being on the news, making a difference in my school, and becoming a YAB member. I am so excited to be a YAB member and learn new things and new ways to be a leader.
Region: 1
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” –James Bryant Conant
This is my fourth year in SWAT. I joined SWAT after losing my grandma to cancer. I’ve always wanted to change the world for the better, but I just never knew how. Being in SWAT helped me realize I want to create a tobacco-free future. Thanks to my amazing first advisor (Hi Mrs. McCalligan!), my awesome first coordinator (Hey Kayla!), all the other dedicated adults who have helped me along the way, and my passion for the cause, I fell in love with SWAT. I can’t wait to give as much to SWAT as it’s given to me.
Region: 2
“The enthusiastic person will find ways around any setbacks and while they may fall down they are quick to stand up again.”- Catherine Pulsifer.
My name is Amaris Mack. I am 13 years old! I participate in competitive cheer, gymnastics and soccer. I want to attend Howard University! (Go Bisons !) I want to become a dental hygienist, and potentially own my own business on the side. I love cooking and playing with my dogs when I have spare time.
Region: 2
“The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has been before.” – Albert Einstein.
I have been part of SWAT for a year now and this is my first year on YAB. Besides SWAT I also partake in many clubs at school such as NHS, Beta, MAT, Key Club, and Class of 2021 Steering. The majority of my time is spent working or gathering community hours because I find it is the most useful way to use up my time.
Region: 3
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” -Alan Kay
Starting SWAT only a year and a half ago, my experience with the organization has been relatively new. However, the objectives and values of SWAT closely match the journey of my life. As an explorer in science and believer in God, I continuously spend time expanding my knowledge of the world and serving the community, specifically by influencing people to make logical and informed decisions about themselves and the world. The recent vaping epidemic in schools across the United States with severe health consequences in my community, along with the realization of the deep-rooted systematic problem of tobacco products initiated my effort to spread awareness and educate my peers about the dangers of tobacco products and industries. SWAT stood as an amazing platform for my friends and I to speak to community leaders and legislators, and as a member of the YAB, I can reach out to more people than I have ever imagined before. Outside of SWAT, I enjoy coding in R and playing hours upon hours of tennis with my friends.
Region: 3
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey
As a child I was unaware of the effects tobacco had on my environment, and the people around me. My family consisted of very few smokers, but there was one I was around constantly, my grandfather. One day he decided it was time to quit, and I began to do some research. I found out about the Big Tobacco companies and their harmful marketing tactics. This led me to join SWAT and his courage caused me to join several other clubs, including student government, student council, etc. I’ve been a part of SWAT for a year now, and I’m excited to continue to grow and advocate with the Youth Advocacy Board.
Region: 4
“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” – Billy Cox
Hey, I’m Saesha Wani! I am currently a sophomore in the SWAT chapter at José Martí MAST Academy in Miami-Dade County! I got involved in SWAT about a year ago, when it was first introduced at my school. I joined because I wanted to take action and work towards the ultimate goal of creating a tobacco-free future. Tobacco has affected my life as big tobacco continues to target many of my family members and friends. Therefore, I was so excited to join a group of students with similar interests and together advocate for tobacco control. Since then, Students Working Against Tobacco has been a big part of my life. SWAT has given me the opportunity to not only get involved in my school, but also make a difference in my community! After being involved in my school’s SWAT chapter for a year, I decided I wanted to take my journey with SWAT a step further and run for the YAB. This is my first year on the YAB and I am ready to make our goals of a tobacco free future a reality and truly be Big Tobacco’s biggest nightmare. Outside of SWAT, I am part of Student Council and Key Club. I enjoy Figure Skating, and I am always trying to push myself to overcome obstacles and try new things!
Region: 4
“You must do the thing which you think you cannot.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
My name is Rachel Prempeh and I’ve been in SWAT for 1 year. I joined SWAT because I saw it as a great organization that would allow me to be around others who shared the same mindset when standing against Big Tobacco. So far, I’ve really enjoyed being a part of it and being surrounded by new and old friends where we’re able to work together and spread the word in hopes of making a difference. Aside from being involved in SWAT, I’m also the Junior Vice President of the National Honor Society, a new Ambassador for the campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, an active member in many academic clubs, and an avid reader. There’s no such thing as reading too many books so get to it!
Region: 3
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES.” – William James
Being a SWAT member for two years has not only encouraged me but also boosted my confidence as a person, knowing that I am using my skills and voice for the right reasons. Seeing friends of mine let tobacco take over their life is a big reason why I am no longer sitting around, because change won’t happen unless you let it. I am 17 years old and moving on to my senior year in high school. This is my first year as a YAB member and I also recently became a youth ambassador for Tobacco-Free Kids. What I do outside of SWAT, I am a competitive dancer and have been for 10 years.
Region: 4
“When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” — from the movie Finding Nemo
The reason I am in SWAT is because I love to deglamorize Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco is a deceptive market that targets my peers and the ones I love. As a result of the deceptive market, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandmother who passed away from lung cancer. I support the military in many ways; therefore, I will fight against Big Tobacco’s market strategy toward our soldiers. My grandfather, another loved one lost to Big Tobacco, was a Green Beret in the Army. Having fought in the Vietnam and Korean wars, Big Tobacco targeted him and his peers for their masculinity. As a result, the mixture of tobacco chemicals and Agent Orange (a chemical spray) caused cancer in numerous places, leading to his death. The thing I admire most about SWAT is the counteraction of Big Tobacco’s deceptive market. These are the reasons I am fighting against Big Tobacco.
Region: 1
“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton.
I am involved in SWAT because I see it as a way to help future generations. I have seen and learned about how tobacco can negatively affect our health, economy, environment, and more. I am passionate about making sure that our generation is the one that ends smoking, and that future generations won’t have to go through the damage that past generations had to go through. I have been a member of SWAT for 5 years, from 7th grade to now. My favorite SWAT memory is when I had the chance to speak with state lawmakers about tobacco prevention. Not only was it very exciting for me, but it showed me how far SWAT can take me. It was also a great bonding experience for me and all the other SWAT members who spoke with me. Outside of school and SWAT, I love to code and practice martial arts. I am also involved in my school as a class officer and belong to the Model United Nations team.
Region: 3
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Obama
Growing up, tobacco was a normal product used in my family. But as I got older, the effects of tobacco were starting to take effect, and I didn’t want to let Big Tobacco win a war I didn’t know had started. SWAT was there for me and gave me lots of opportunities and encouraged me to take action. I have been an active member of SWAT for the past three years. Recently, I was given the opportunity to speak to legislators at an open legislation meeting in Tallahassee. The trip was a great opportunity for me to build my character and confidence, and to learn new ways to effectively communicate with my peers and legislators. As my idol Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Outside of SWAT, I am the class president for my junior class at Osceola High School, National Honor Society member, and an All-American Cheerleader! When I’m not participating in these activities, I am spending my time with my family and dogs.
Region: 3
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
I have been in SWAT for a little over four years. I became involved because I have seen firsthand the dangerous effects of tobacco products. Some of my favorite SWAT moments would include preparing for our county’s Color Run and speaking to the school board as well as my peers about our message.
Region: 1
“Kid you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
I am involved in SWAT because I am very passionate when it comes to working towards a tobacco free future. I absolutely admire the fact that everyone is so close and it produces a family environment. I also don’t want my peers to fall right into Big Tobacco’s lies and get hooked on something so deadly. I have been a member of SWAT for 3 years now. Some of my favorite “SWAT moments” would be last year’s regional retreat. I loved getting on stage and being able to communicate with my peers! I have also starred in two SWAT videos that are shared throughout the state of Florida! It was a great experience! waiting so… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
Region: 1
“When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” — from the movie Finding Nemo
The reason I am in SWAT is because I love to deglamorize Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco is a deceptive market that targets my peers and the ones I love. As a result of the deceptive market, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandmother who passed away from lung cancer. I support the military in many ways; therefore, I will fight against Big Tobacco’s market strategy toward our soldiers. My grandfather, another loved one lost to Big Tobacco, was a Green Beret in the Army. Having fought in the Vietnam and Korean wars, Big Tobacco targeted him and his peers for their masculinity. As a result, the mixture of tobacco chemicals and Agent Orange (a chemical spray) caused cancer in numerous places, leading to his death. The thing I admire most about SWAT is the counteraction of Big Tobacco’s deceptive market. These are the reasons I am fighting against Big Tobacco.
Region: 1
“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Hi! My name is Amanda Bouquet. I am currently in my junior year of high school and a part of Region 4. I have been in SWAT for a year now, and this is my first time on the YAB. I was born in Brazil and can speak three languages. I love to watch movies and go to sporting events. I spend a lot of my time volunteering and giving back to my community. I am extremely excited to be a part of the YAB this term!
Region: 4
“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton.
I am involved in SWAT because I see it as a way to help future generations. I have seen and learned about how tobacco can negatively affect our health, economy, environment, and more. I am passionate about making sure that our generation is the one that ends smoking, and that future generations won’t have to go through the damage that past generations had to go through. I have been a member of SWAT for three years, from 7th grade to now. My favorite SWAT memory is when I had the chance to speak with state lawmakers about tobacco prevention. Not only was it very exciting for me, but it showed me how far SWAT can take me. It was also a great bonding experience for me and all the other SWAT members who spoke with me. Outside of school and SWAT, I love to code and practice martial arts. I am also involved in my school as a class officer and the Model United Nations team.
Region: 3
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Obama
Growing up, tobacco was a normal product used in my family. But as I got older, the effects of tobacco were starting to take effect, and I didn’t want to let Big Tobacco win a war I didn’t know had started. SWAT was there for me and gave me lots of opportunities and encouraged me to take action. I have been an active member of SWAT for the past three years. Recently, I was given the opportunity to speak to legislators at an open legislation meeting in Tallahassee. The trip was a great opportunity for me to build my character and confidence, and to learn new ways to effectively communicate with my peers and legislators. As my idol Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Outside of SWAT, I am the class president for the freshman class at Osceola High School, and an All-American cheerleader in the OHS JV cheer squad and Sportsrock All-Star Elite team. When I’m not participating in these activities, I am spending time with my dogs and family.
Region: 3
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
I have been in SWAT for a little over four years. I became involved because I have seen firsthand the dangerous effects of tobacco products. Some of my favorite SWAT moments would include preparing for our county’s Color Run and speaking to the school board as well as my peers about our message.
Region: 1
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
I have been in SWAT since 6th grade. It started with my teacher telling me she wanted me in the club and slowly, but surely, I got very involved. I hated public speaking, but my school SWAT advisor and my regional advisor, Ms. Kristina, helped me work through this fear. So, in 7th grade, I talked to my city council about passing a resolution to place tobacco products behind the counter, and they passed it. I was really proud after that moment, and I kept working in SWAT. I finally worked up my courage to run for YAB, which I got. I’m very proud to be a part of this amazing organization.
Region: 2
“Great achievements are the results of great expectations. You will see it happen only when you believe it will happen.” – Charles Dickens
I’m 14 years old and I have been a member of SWAT for 4 years. I served 2 years on the leadership committee and have been a member of YAB for half a year. I’m from Holmes County, and I’m in the 9th Grade.
Region: 1
“The difference in winning and losing is often not quitting” – Walt Disney
My name is Jaeden Boatner and I am from Holmes County. To me, SWAT is more than an organization that promotes tobacco education, it is an amazing group of youth and adults who work together for the greater good! I started SWAT at my school in 5th grade, after serving two years on the leadership committee. I joined the YAB because I was bored, and I am now going on my third term! Other than SWAT, I am in clubs such as JROTC and my high school drama and chorus department. I am 15 years old and starting my 10th grade. This year, I am hoping to get Tobacco 21 implemented in my area and work to create the first tobacco-free generation!
Region: 1
“Whenever you get down just think success, success, success and your happy feelings will start to express.” – Kamya Williams
One reason I am in SWAT is because I love to show Big Tobacco companies that we are not going to be their lab rats and let them destroy people’s lives. My grandma got addicted to cigarettes and later had major health problems, including having part of her stomach removed. This was very eye-opening to me, which made me want to fight even more against Big Tobacco companies. By being a part of SWAT and the YAB, I can help educate people about the dangers of tobacco use and possibly prevent them from using. Big Tobacco is hurting many families, especially health-wise, and they need to be stopped. So, I am proud to be anti-Big Tobacco companies and tobacco-free.
Region: 3
“Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope, where there is darkness, only light, and where there’s sadness, rejoice. Thanks for the heads up!
The reason I am in SWAT and on the YAB is because one day I want to change the world. By doing SWAT and YAB, I’m already changing my state with my fellow YAB members. SWAT has changed my life in the best way possible as it has given me great public speaking skills, leadership skills, and has also given me the opportunity to meet some of the best people on this planet, my fellow YAB members. I have been in SWAT for three years and this is my second year on the YAB. I attend Challenger K8 in Hernando County, and without my supportive SWAT members in my school, I would have never been able to make it this far.
Region: 3
“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” -Francis of Assisi
I am involved in SWAT because it has a good mission, and it gives students the opportunity to do things they never thought they could do. Working with SWAT is such a great way to serve my community for a reason I’m passionate about, and I’m so happy that I get to work with the group in the way I do. I have been a member of SWAT for about five years. I joined my county chapter when I was in sixth grade. My friend’s mother was one of our advisors from the health department, and she invited me to a meeting. I’ve been involved ever since. One of the events that sticks out most in my memory is the statewide meeting that was held in the summer of 2012. It was so much fun to be able to meet SWAT members from around the state and talk to them not just about what they were doing in SWAT but also what they were doing outside of SWAT, all while we were learning more about Big Tobacco and what we could do to fight it. The meeting was a great way to see that SWAT wasn’t just in one place; it was all over Florida, and all of its members were working towards the same goal, even if it didn’t feel like it when we were back in our own counties. The meeting was very informative, and I met so many wonderful people.
Region: 2
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – John Lennon
My name is Hännah Ford, and I am a senior at Sarasota Military Academy in Sarasota, FL. I have been a member of SWAT for 7 years now and a YABber for 2. Participating in events such as beach & park cleanups, talks with local and state politicians, and Kick Butts Day have been some of my highlights. I was in our chapter leadership program for 3 years as vice president at the Lee Wetherington Boys & Girls Club SWAT, and as social media coordinator for 2 years in the county-wide group. SWAT has let me voice my opinion on tobacco-related issues (such as tobacco free campuses) and has given me a platform to share the Tobacco Industry’s point of sale tactics with others. Tobacco prevention hits home because harmful usage has caused the deaths of several of my family members and friends, while also diminishing relationships. My SWAT purpose is to assist youth in strengthening their knowledge on the issues at hand (flavored products, #NotALabRat, etc.), to save the connections of those impacted by the use of tobacco. Outside of my work in SWAT, I share a passion for business and marketing strategies and consider myself a young entrepreneur. Being a part of the YAB allows me to use my strong suits and creative processing to tackle problems, preventing others from becoming one.
Region: 3
“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton.
I am involved in SWAT because I see it as a way to help future generations. I have seen and learned about how tobacco can negatively affect our health, economy, environment, and more. I am passionate about making sure that our generation is the one that ends smoking, and that future generations won’t have to go through the damage that past generations had to go through. I have been a member of SWAT for 5 years, from 7th grade to now. My favorite SWAT memory is when I had the chance to speak with state lawmakers about tobacco prevention. Not only was it very exciting for me, but it showed me how far SWAT can take me. It was also a great bonding experience for me and all the other SWAT members who spoke with me. Outside of school and SWAT, I love to code and practice martial arts. I am also involved in my school as a class officer and belong to the Model United Nations team.
Region: 3
“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Winnie the Pooh
Growing up, tobacco was a normal thing used by my family members every day. I have seen how addicting it can be. I have lost family members to the use of tobacco. I saw that SWAT was a club at my school wanting to spread awareness, help prevent tobacco use and stop big tobacco from targeting youth so I joined and have been in SWAT for four years now. Outside of SWAT, I am a member of BETA, HOSA, and SGA. I am also on the girls weightlifting team.
*Legal notice: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Direct Contact: Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-23
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1743